How many sessions a patient will need will vary according to each case. The same as with western medicine. Of course the biggest factors will be what actually are we treating and how strong is the patients constitution. There are two things to keep in mind when pondering whether alternative medicine is for you are not. First you will need to do more “homework” when participating in an alternative medical therapy. Practitioners will regularly ask you about many facets of your health and well being in order to develop a clear picture of what the causes of your problem are. So in reality how many sessions you need with your practitioner should be equal to how many sessions you have with yourself. We are here to guide you in the right direction. We are not here to drag you there 😉
Secondly any alternative medicine therapy in relation to western medicine will take effect more slowly. Do not worry it is not a rabbit and snail race that I am referring to. However when pondering the question of how many sessions you will need the matter is more comparable to pressing on the brakes of your vehicle. Sometimes in order to avoid an accident you need to slam down on the brakes. This will saves lives. Sometimes however it will not be enough to avoid the inevitable consequences of poor lifestyle. However there are many, many more times when all we will need to do is gently press down in order to turn or stop our cars.
This is a relative description western and eastern medicines and how many sessions you will need. Western therapies and pharmacopeia are much more aggressive and quick acting. They need to be. They save lives every second. It is in the realm of chronic illnesses that acupuncture and Chinese medicine truly shine.
On average we say that for every year that you have had a condition or problem expect to have two treatments a week for a month in order to resolve it. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are considered holistic medicine for several reasons. First holistic means to look at in its entirety. We administer the medicine based on many facets of your health including your lifestyle. This helps us to form a more detailed impression of why you are encountering problems in your life. Yes we choose acupuncture points based on your condition but also based on YOU as well and that means everything from your constitution to your general disposition. Everything matters. Patients who have a tendency toward being more proactive and follow lifestyle advice usually have a better prognosis and a quicker recovery time.