Have you been diagnosed with the condition of infertility or have spent more than a year trying to conceive but are still unable to? Are you experiencing irregular menstrual cycles or are known to have low sperm counts and are concerned whether you can concieve naturally without difficulty? Would you like to understand more about the process of fertility and how you can safeguard your chances of having a child naturally?
For most young people the concern of personal infertility never arises, just look at how much money we spend on products and services not to conceive! However, in todays modern society we are under much more pressure to achieve and compete. This creates a rather stressful environment – both inside and outside – at a point in our lives where our body is most prepared for conception and we are at the highest levels of fertility.
Many people are delaying starting a family till later in life so they can focus on their careers first and become more stable. Hey kids are expensive we all know that. Also many are just not ready to have children till later in life anyway. Acupuncture for Infertility whether by itself or combined with standard western medical practices can play a significant role in improving your chances of conception!
What causes Infertility?
When looking at the condition from a “birds eye” view the single most important factor determining fertility is age. Women are most fertile from their late teens till early twenties. It is no secret that fertility decreases as we age along with every other bodily process.
Coupled with the knowledge that the current rate of childless females over 39 has doubled in the the last 40 years it is no wonder that fertility is a big concern for many and not just for women. Roughly around 40% of all infertlity issues stem from male infertility alone.
Infertility Statistics
15% of American couples have fertility problems
Over 40% of women with reduced fertility also have ovulatory problems
Around 40% of all infertility issues stem from male infertility alone
Infertility is more common than most people are aware of. Current statistics vary but some acknowledge that up to 15% of American couples experience problems with fertility. The condition of infertility is recognized as not being able to conceive after a year of regular unprotected sex. In order to become pregnant a woman needs to be fertile, have the ability to ovulate and a man’s sperm must be fertile. Irregular cycles are an indicator that a woman is not ovulating correctly and can therefore account for reduced fertility.Consistent irregular menstruation is considered an early warning sign for infertility.Ovulation is the monthly release of an egg from the ovary. Ovulation disorders account for the number one reason why females can be less fertile. Over 40% of women with problems with fertility have ovulatory problems also. The good news is that ovulation disorders are particularly treatable with acupuncture and Chinese medicine because of its profound effect on circulation and hormonal balance.
The foremost idea to remember about becoming pregnant is that a woman needs to have a regular menstrual cycle. Otherwise regardless of what she does to increase her chances of pregnancy her body itself will not be fully prepared for the process. For Chinese medicine there is very little difference between general health and reproductive health.
Maintaining a regular menstrual cycle represents good general health which in turn will always positively reflect upon reproductive health. This increases your chances of pregnancy through optimal fertility. So the idea is to uncover how naturally fertile you really are once any imbalances are corrected.
Your weight will play an important role in fertility. Consistently being overweight or underweight can hurt your chances of conception by promoting hormonal imbalances. Being over weight causes the body to produce too many androgens or male hormones cutting fertility. Being under weight will cause the body to receive less hormonal stimulation for efficient reproductive functioning. Caffeine can constrict the blood vessels of the body which will restrict the blood flow to the uterus. Significant problems are usually proceeded by subtle functional imbalances in the body being caused by our own lifestyle and diet.